Monday, August 10, 2009

Cup O'Cherritoes

Okay, Kris and I, we've both been blogging slackers. AND, we both took a vacation at the exact same time (to the exact same place, I should add!) AND, while we were gone there was a heatwave, AND neither of us were there to water/harvest/etc that is necessary at such times.

I stopped by the CG after work today, braced for shriveled devastation, but to my surprise, things were hanging in nicely. Perhaps one of my CG plot neighbors took pity on the cracking, sunbaked soil and waved the hose over the poor things!

The above is:

left: a cup of cherry tomatoes

right: my favorite way to serve them - fresh off the vine, with a glass of vino - in this case, the Solus Sto from Sonoma County, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the label - as if this black bear had just plucked one of the cherries right from the bucket!



  1. ohhhh!!!! cute pics but now we're not anonymous. How will I go to the grocery store now? "Aren't you that famous Hoe?"

    Garden didn't fair so well while we were gone. Tomatoes have fallen over so am trying to rig something to hold them up. Beans were ATTACKED by caterpillars. Squash is molding so went out with a paintbrush last night to do a little pollinating myself. No pics 'cause memory card is full of drunkin' photos from Fiesta.

  2. Whoops! Do you want to stay anonymous?


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