Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lunado Garden - Week 16

My first major harvest. OK, so I can't feed the world but we had a fabulous dinner of fresh summer squash, green beans, spring onions and whatever that other squash is(?)

Tomatoes are growing strong but ths d*mn fog is not helping. Really??? Another week of cold, wet and windy days? I just don't think I can take it. It's 106 degrees today in Portland. Oregon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

kiwis on the trellis

The Arlington Community Garden has 20 member plots, but it has an abundant amount of 'commons' planting area. Much of this common area is lively with mature growth, from thornless blackberries to science-project sunflowers, to the massive kiwi vine growing across a hefty arbor trellis at the south end of the garden. I'd been told that it didn't produce much fruit, but like a wisteria, was too beautiful to dispose of. And it is, beautiful that is. As my plot is adjacent to the trellis, I get the sneak preview of kiwi goings-on, and lo and behold - fruit!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

eye candy

Not everything I plant is edible - I like the eye candy, too.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Full basket bounty

a dozen onions, ranging in size from baby-fist to near-softball, gorgeous fennel, slender straight leeks, and a bright bunch'o beans!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blue Lake Beans

I planted a six-pack of Blue Lake Beans along the chainlink fence of my Community Garden. I built up a bamboo trellis for the beans, and then sat back and waited. The bean plants never really took to the trellis - I don't know if I didn't plant them close enough (unlikely), or something else is at play here, but these plants are STILL - easily 6 weeks later - less than 12" tall.


Yes, the stunted, miniscule bean plants of mine are pumping out beans like NOBODY'S BUSINESS! I harvested well over a quart of full 5" long beans, as plump and ready as could be!

I'll be serving these up french style: split longwise, sauteed with red onion, garlic and diced bacon. YUM!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Fast Does Your Garden Grow?

I've been gardening for a few years but am still very much in awe of the fact that a garden can go from the above photo to the below photo in 14 weeks. I love when everything thing is first planted and all organized. Every plant has it's place and lots of nice room around it. Now, it's a jungle. Tomatoes vines not staying in their cages. Summer squash leaves crowding out the leeks. Forget about my pretty herbs and marigolds. They haven't seen the sun in weeks. I'm not complaining but I am realizing I do like the beginning of a garden best. Is that weird?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Labour of Love.

Kris' LUNADO JAM: Apricot and Strawberry & Ginger (!!!!) jams are TO DIE FOR!!

Wait, I just died. Okay, okay, but SERIOUSLY, this woman should have her own farmer's market stand, because these little pots of gold are super-duper-delicious!! Can I just say? SUPER fruit. SUPER. FRUIT.

I didn't even have enough toast, but I went through the jar of apricot like **SNAP** THAT. I may or may not have licked the jar lid. (Best you don't really know)


ps. I helped cut out the circular labels. My claim to fame. [grin]

Thursday, July 9, 2009

ready to burst

There are the 4' tall stalks of my leeks, which I've been waiting to harvest until after this bloom. I'm both excited to see the allium-like blossom, and salivating over the tasty shoot down below.

Time to get the next round in the ground for fall!


Lunado Garden - Week 14

I've been a bad blogger. Just haven't had any free time to take pics and post but I'm back and I know you are thrilled. The garden is flourishing. I have squash, little blue lake beans, onions, lots and lots of lovely little green tomatoes. I will now wow you with my photographs.

Squash before and squash after on the pretty plate I made in ceramics class.

The Blue Lake beans are coming in rapidly. Cannot wait to harvest these. My first try at beans. The Peter Pan squash is a jungle. These should be ready in a week or two. I still cannot pick baby squash. I love to eat them but these babies will get to play in the garden a little longer.

These squash unexpectadly came back from last year. They almost look like ornamental squash. Have no idea what to do with these but they sure are pretty.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

fennel jungle

CANNOT WAIT to harvest these!

The top fronds are super dense, while the base stems are smooth, yet complex. I'm waiting for them to be about the size of my fist, and they are taking their sweet time. My lip-licking doesn't seem to be helping. A salivated-on stalk never shoots?

Something like that.


Monday, July 6, 2009

can I get a witness?


I have tomatoes.


Sunday, July 5, 2009


I should say, blossomS, because there are two.

Yeah, yeah... just the two.


They're there, and that's all I've ever really asked for! Yes, Virginia, there IS a squash blossom fairy!!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th, with Lemon Verbena twist

Verbena Royale
from SF Park Chow restaurant

There are few herbs as fragrant as lemon verbena, and Park Chow (1240 Ninth Ave. at Lincoln) takes full advantage of its bouquet and flavor in the Verbena Royale. A sophisticated blend of Lillet and prosecco is dusted with microbits of the herb, with a garnish of whole leaves that marinate in the mix.

