Friday, April 23, 2010

An Apple A Day

Spring is here and husband and I were walking around Flowercraft and came upon the coolest tree ever. It's an apple tree with four different kinds of apples grafted onto the tree. I had read the following:

"All apple varieties should be considered self-incompatible, meaning that they cannot pollinate themselves or any flowers of the same apple variety. The highest quality fruit is harvested when cross-pollination occurs with a suitable pollinizer variety. You will need to plant at least two varieties of apple trees together in order to maximize fruit production and quality."

So having the four different varieties on one tree should solve that problem. We choose a lovely spot in the front yard and it seems to be doing great.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!! I cannot WAIT to see how this modern marvel of botanical science will turn out! (and to have a few apples, of course!)


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