Monday, June 1, 2009

Naughty and Nice

Neighbors spread redwood chips around the beds and it's all pretty now. The plants are doing great even though we've been shrouded in dreary days of fog.

Neighbor also went out and as he put it, "bought a hammock chair for the garden". It arrived and was set up in the yard. I don't know about you, but I think I should be wearing black leather and carrying a whip while sitting in that chair. Or spanking whoever is...

Neighbor(who has been very busy) bought a compost worm bin. A few days later 200 red worms arrived. They are happily eating all of our leftover bits although it took me a week to gather enough courage to lift the cover and look at them. Ugh, me and worms...yuck! Spiders I can deal with. Worms...I am getting the creeps just typing this. So, poured a little tea out to see if it was working and voila, we have tea although really stinky tea. And I mean really stinky. I hope that's normal.

All in all, a very productive week in our little garden.


  1. The succulants look splendid! The ones you gave us last year are happily nestled in nooks of the retaining wall, and I'm following your advice on 'hardening' clippings from my latest.

    I'm excited to hear how the worm composting experiment goes! What does one DO with the 'tea'? Dilute and water the beds? How often do you have to rotate the trays? I'm intrigued....

    Now, about that chair..... [eyebrow raise]

  2. So, you put scraps in the lowest bins and worms on the bottom bin. They eat and then move up. You keep adding food to each bin until they get to the top and then start the process all over again. They are moving quicker than I expected. Yes, tea is diluted with water. Also, the bottom few bins should have composty material. I still can't look.

  3. "THEY MOVE UP"?!?!? how on earth does THAT happen? are the bins mesh-bottomed?

    I think I need to come over there and see this contraption for myself! (and yes, I'll get the heebie-jeebies too)

  4. Uh, yeah... our curious foreign visitors? all seemed to have found THIS post - by googling 'spank', 'whip' or 'black leather' - WAY TO DRIVE UP THE HITS, KRISTINE!! [wink]


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