Monday, October 26, 2009

You say Tomato, I say Tomahto

Uh...what's a girl to do with a ton of tomatoes? I just can't keep up. I roasted a bunch which are now nicely in the fridge. They are great with cheese and crackers. Next step is to roast and then freeze for sauce in the winter. It's the end of the tomatoes though and I'm so proud they did so well. "Yes Virginia, you can grow tomatoes in the Fog Belt."

Garden looks a little sad. Pulled out all the squash. They never did very well. Planted more lettuce and beets. They're doing great. Also planted peas which are getting attacked by slugs so have little wells of beer in the bed. At least they can get a little tipsy before they DIE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for my bag'o'tomatoes!! we had some and they were lovely! My cgarden plot is already down to only a few hours of sunlight a day, and the backyard trees need some pruning to let in more light, as well. Nearly time for Gro-lamps in the garage! [grin]


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