Monday, April 20, 2009

mucho seedlings!

These looked about ready for transplant, and I figured a nice hot weekend was just the ticket! I seeded 9 per (but not all were productive) of: broccoli rabe, micro-greens salad mix, beets, leeks and arugula. Transplanted 2/3 in the community garden, the rest in the backyard garden - a little experiment to see which do better where. We'll see!



  1. How did they do? Mine did not like the heat at all!!!

  2. I swung by and watered them yesterday evening, and they were looking ok - my plot is partially shaded during the early/late hours, so they got a bit of a break. I need to water them again tonight, because today is hot enough to make ME wilt, so I'm sure they'll need it!

    Covering could spare yours, if the cover is just a sunblock and does not go down to the ground and trap heat in... want the bamboo hoops sooner rather than later? some tarp/visqueen to provide shade might work, although I think the brutal days are now behind us and the 'real' SF weather will kick in soon.


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