Monday, May 25, 2009

bamboo bean brace

Since Kristine's hubby engineered her bean trellis, I decided to take the drying bamboo stalks I had cut from the backyard over to the CG, and use them as supports for the Blue Lake Beans I planned to start along the 'no man's land' zone beside my plot and the CG's surrounding chain link fence. The area had been nothing but weeds, cut-back from the blackberries along my plot-neighbor side, and the jasmine along the communal zone side. I aggressively weeded it out (the Hula-Ho is one HELL of a fantastic tool, people! Run out and get one! RUN!) amended with Black Gold composted soil, transplanted the beans (along with a few morning glories, which I LOOOOOOOOVE) and laid down micromulch. Viola!


I'm thinking I can plant 6 Fava bean plants on the other side of the poles, and let them and the BLbeans duke it out (I think there's plenty of room). If you want to get the seeds started in the CG greenhouse, let me know, and we'll set it up!!


  1. Wow, the area looks great. I need a Hula Hoe!!! Doesn't everyone? My garden is doing great except for basil and beans. Bugs love 'em. Yes, let's get the fava growing. Meet this week to swap keys for beans?

  2. sounds good!

    I haven't seen any signs of preying mantids, or I'd lasso a few and send 'em your way. Wonder if it's too cold for them to hatch? hmmmm...


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