Friday, May 1, 2009

baby, oh baby, greens!

mesclun greens : red romaine : basil and chard

It's raining this afternoon (good, we need it!) so I didn't venture out to sneek a peek at the current state of affairs in the backyard garden (stopped by the community garden this morning for a bit 'o weeding). These shots are a few days old, so my little babies are probably a good .425" taller, already!



  1. Wow, they look great. Mine are also quite a bit bigger. I think they love rain. I'm thinking of pulling out bug eaten basil and putting in beans. May head over to Flowercraft this week. We're supposed to have sun by Thur. Please!!!!!!

  2. I'm thinking of leaving the basil in - as bug bait! if they've got that juicy tender nibble, maybe they'll stay off the others....

    gal in my CG said she had luck with FAVA BEANS!! I've got space along the fence, so might give those a whirl! (or is that only what you do with peas? whirled peas?)

  3. ooooo...favas....that's a great idea.


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