Tuesday, May 12, 2009

summer of love

I released the tub of ladybugs into the garden last night, and went to check on things this morning. I was pleased to see how many had acclimated to the veggie patch, and then started to notice something else - there was a whoooole lot of luvvvvin' going on! Seriously, EVERYWHERE I looked, they were getting it on with each other.

And NO, I am not embarrassed to have been intrigued by this - this is SCIENCE, people! [wink]



  1. I thought this was a PG blog. Now I am going to have to go to confession. God damn it!!

  2. it's SCIENCE, which is still PG-Rated.
    However, a confessional still isn't a bad idea, with a twist. Do you prefer your priest White, Red, or Rose? [wink]


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